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We are a young and dynamic company, with a high degree of professionalism gained over years of experience with major multinationals in the processing of tungsten carbide and in the design and creation of cutting and wear-resistant parts.

Our business model is based on the trust of our customers, with whom we want to build a real partnership to provide a 360-degree service that goes from consulting to the realization of the item itself.

Firmly convinced that the success of a company depends on its ability to create value in the activities it carries out and in the quality of the relationships it establishes with its reference market, EVORIVE promotes a model that wisely combines vision, ethics and pragmatism as true corporate assets.

Evorive, azienda
Evorive location: ambienti di lavoro efficienti e confortevoli


Essere un’azienda di famiglia ha consentito ad EVORIVE di sostenere le proprie aspirazioni è creare uno luogo con ambienti di lavoro efficienti e confortevoli, capaci di comunicare l’identità e i valori aziendali e garantire la massima fruibilità degli spazi lavorativi senza tralasciare estetica e design.

Per questo motivo Evorive mette a disposizione delle aziende i propri spazi interni ed esterni frutto di una progettazione in linea con una lunga tradizione di ricerca dell’alta qualità in ogni ambito del business.

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Material and Technology

Evorive has modern industrial automation systems 4.0, which allow a complete and innovative management of all production processes through one of the most advanced electronic systems in the sector.

Our Material
Evorive, moderni impianti di automazione industriale 4.0
Evorive, impianti di automazione industriale con sistemi elettronici tra i più avanzati


We are a family and we love challenges.
We achieve our goals.
Everything we do is always and only with determination and love.

Evorive produzione lame da taglio per l'industria

Alessandro Colombatto


Costruzione lame industriali

Elena Colombatto

Quality Director

Evorive lame industriali

Juna Colombatto

Executive Manager

Evorive team

Andrea Colombatto

Production Director

We have the technology and the competence to help you develop your tungsten carbide mechanical components.

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